I’m Aleksander Tabor.

My first steps in programming were made in 2006 when... I was playing MMORPG games. I was fascinated by the fact that I could create my own website, which would be a database of items, monsters, and quests from the game. I also started running servers for these games that required a lot of scripting knowledge. I was learning by doing, and I was doing a lot.

My other hobby during my youth was football. I was 12 I created an official website for my local football club. I was obsessed with football, and spent hours every day on the pitch, reading about, and watching games.

Naturally I continued my education in the field of IT. I went to high school with a focus on information technology. I graduated from the university with a degree in Computer Science. During my studies I started working professionally as a web developer.


In 2023, I flew on a plane for the first time in my life (3x in one month!).